Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Couple of layouts.

Just thought I would share a few of the latest layouts I've done. I've been very slack since my scrapping weekend away, I had great intentions of keeping the mojo going but I've been so , so tired lately and just don't seem to have the energy or motivation to do much scrapping at all. I'm about 10 weeks behind on my art journal challenge with Emily Falconbridge and I have hundreds of photos to scrap!! SO I am making a concerted effort to get motivated!!
Here's the few I have managed to do anyway:


keelysmum said...

Lovely layouts Jan. I love the one of Huddy eating his dinner, he looks like he's enjoying it! And the one of Ella with the many faces, great idea (keep that one in mind)!. Keep that mojo flowing. Steph xxxx

Sharon Larmour said...

You're doing some fabulous stuff Miss Jan. Are any of those Design Team pieces or all just for you?

Love Huddy and his chicken wings and that Miss Ella is one craaaaazy chicken.
